Written by Kayla Williams - February 21, 2023
Bioidentical hormones are hormones that are identical or nearly identical to those naturally produced by the human body. While many people believe that these hormones may be healthier and safer than synthetic hormones, the truth is that they are not officially regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The FDA does not approve or regulate bioidentical hormones, nor do they require labeling on products containing bioidenticals. This means these types of hormone therapies can be used without the FDA’s approval.
That being said, even though bioidenticals are not approved by the FDA, many medical professionals still prescribe them for their patients as an alternative to synthetic hormone treatments. Bioidenticals have been used for many years in Europe and other countries with great success, which often convinces some doctors to use them in the United States too.
In addition to clinical evidence from abroad, there is also clinical evidence within the United States supporting its use in certain cases. A number of studies have been done on women who used low-dose transdermal (administered through the skin) progesterone cream as a replacement therapy when their own hormone levels declined during menopause. According to these studies, the women experienced positive results such as reduced hot flashes and night sweats, improved sleep patterns, better moods and increased libido.
It is important to note that while there is evidence that suggests bioidenticals can be beneficial for some people going through menopause or other hormonal imbalances, it is still important to discuss your medical history with your doctor before starting any type of treatment. Your doctor will be able to advice you on whether or not this type of treatment is right for you based on your current health and symptoms.
If you decide to try a hormone replacement therapy with bioidenticals under the supervision of your physician, there are a few things you should keep in mind:
Do thorough research on different types of bioidenticals available as well as which form (i.e oral vs transdermal) might best suit your needs depending on what type of symptoms you're experiencing so your doctor can help find one most appropriate for you.
Speak with your healthcare provider frequently while using this type of hormonal therapy so he/she can adjust dosage amount if necessary due to any changing symptoms or side effects related to starting HRT with natural hormones rather than synthetic ones like birth control pills or oral contraceptives.
Keep an eye out for any signs that may signal an adverse reaction such as headaches, nausea, breast tenderness etc., and report them immediately so adjustments can be made accordingly if necessary.
At Hormone Treatment Center our expert team of physicians provide personalized care tailored specifically for each individual patient’s needs through utilizing USP-verified BioIdentical Hormones . Our clinic offers state-of-the art testing methods and we guarantee safe and effective treatments for those seeking balance in their lives again! Contact us today <name>@Hormone Treatment Center </name> for further consultation regarding BioIdentical Hormone Treatments!