Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy can help you feel like yourself again; a natural, healthy, and balanced lifestyle.
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a type of hormone replacement therapy that uses hormones that are identical on a molecular level to those produced naturally by the body. It’s used to restore or improve hormonal balance, which can help treat symptoms related to certain medical conditions, including menopause and andropause. BHRT may also be used as an alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapies (HRT).
BHRT has several benefits over its synthetic counterparts. Its hormones are chemically identical to our own human hormones, making it more easily processed by the body. The treatment helps restore energy levels, mood balance, focus and mental clarity while decreasing hot flashes and other uncomfortable menopausal symptoms. BHRT has been found to help men maintain libido, energy levels, muscle mass and strength as well as promote healthy cholesterol levels.
Along with your BHRT treatment plan, you should follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen in order to maximize the effectiveness of the treatments. Eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods can help provide essential vitamins and minerals for proper hormone production. Additionally, regular exercise can reduce stress levels which can affect hormone production negatively. There are also complimentary practices like meditation or yoga that can help keep stress at bay and support your body's natural healing process in tandem with your BHRT treatment.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been found to effectively treat various conditions such as:
Hot flashes
Weight gain/loss resistance
Mood swings
Thinning hair/skin
Night sweats/insomnia
While bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can be effective in treating certain conditions long term use may have its drawbacks like any other form of medication if not taken properly or monitored closely by a health professional. It's important to get regular lab tests done in order to determine whether a BHRT program is appropriate for you and whether any adjustments need to be made during your treatments based on changes in test results or lifestyle factors like diet or exercise habits. If monitored properly longterm use should not present risks such as cancer or heart attacks associated with understand usage of synthetic HRTs.
There are different types of estrogen therapies available depending on individual needs and age level such as creams formulated from soybean oil; patches infused with estradiol; gels containing both progesterone and estradiol; tablets containing conjugated equine estrogens; pills made from natural plant phytoestrogens; oral micronized progesterone supplements; sublingual troches using compounded microcrystalline progesterone; vaginal suppositories using micronized diosgenin-derived progesterone cream; subdermal pellets containing testosterone modified with lauric acid; injections such as Testosterone Cypionate followed by weekly injections of Testosterone Enanthate, etc... Your health practitioner will help you decide which one best suits your particular needs depending on what type of relief you're looking for from symptoms associated with imbalance due to age related hormonal deficiencies or primary ovarian insufficiency (POI).
Women who suffer from perimenopause or have lost ovarian function due aging or POI can benefit greatly from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy if it is prescribed according them their specific needs after proper diagnosis has been made through lab testing conducted by a healthcare professional who specializes in this field. Patients often report symptom relief through improved sleep patterns, reduced depression - anxiety symptoms, better concentration ability along with improved libido after beginning the appropriate treatment plan tailored specifically for their individual needs through personalized assessment & dosing schedules adjusted accordingly throughout each cycle based on qualitative feedback from patient data collected before/after treatments begin
When starting off on BHRT typically each cycle begins at an optimal dose point according to baseline values measured prior when entering into treatment then successively adjusting dosage points reguarly until desired effects have been achieved while constantly monitoring blood chemistry panel results during each phase whilst concurrently evaluating qualitative reports returns alongside palpitation readings acquired periodically until achievement goal has had fair chance at being realized then readjusting if necessary when indicated based upon detected signs