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Do bioidentical hormones have estrogen?

Written by Kayla Williams - January 17, 2023

Do Bioidentical Hormones Have Estrogen?

Yes, bioidentical hormones contain estrogen. This type of hormone replacement can be used to supplement a woman's own natural estrogen levels. Bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) is a process in which synthetic hormones that are nearly identical to the hormones produced naturally in the body are used to treat medical conditions and provide relief of symptoms associated with menopause in women and hypogonadism in some men.

It is important to note that, unlike other forms of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), BHT does not use animal-derived or synthetically derived hormones. Instead, it uses compounds that are exact replicas of the body’s own hormones, including estradiol (estrogen) and progesterone. These bio-identical hormones offer an effective alternative to traditional HRT and can provide relief from symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings.

What are the Benefits of Using Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormone therapy has many advantages over traditional HRT because it is more closely aligned with a woman's natural hormonal balance. Because bio-identical hormones are chemically identical to those found in the body, they are better able to mimic natural hormonal cycles in order to restore balance without causing undue side effects or risks.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Regulates menstrual cycle
  • Reduces menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats
  • Improves energy levels and libido
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Relieves anxiety & depression related to hormone imbalance

Additionally, studies have shown that BHT may reduce a woman’s risk for breast cancer, heart disease atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, colon cancer or endometrial cancer compared with other forms of conventional HRT. It also helps with bone health during perimenopause when estrogen levels naturally decline leading up to menopause.

At Hormone Treatment Center we offer bio-identical hormone therapies tailored specifically for you needs and goals working together with your doctor/clinic team utilizing our 24 hr/fast turnaround laboratory partnerships providing best results as soon as possible giving you peace at mind!

Are There Side Effects Associated With Bioidentical Estrogen Therapy?

Although there are no significant long-term safety concerns associated with bio-identicals compared with other forms of conventional HRT, like any treatment approach there may be some side effects experienced depending on an individual’s individual physiology; age; medical history etc. As each person is unique it should be discussed thoroughly with their doctor or pharmacist prior to starting any form of treatments like these ones.. Some side effects may include but not limited too: nausea; headache; skin irritation; sudden weight changes; mood swings etc..


Overall Bioidenctial Hormone Therapy is an excellent option for those seeking one more closely aligned with their bodies natural chemistry and hormonal balance while offering numerous benefits over its traditional counterpart – whatever your need might be! Remember however that each persons situation is unique so before starting treatment consult your doctor first in order ensure best outcomes possible! For any additional help contact us at Hormone Treatment Center – we will be happy to assist you!

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