Written by Kayla Williams - January 28, 2023
Yes, human growth hormone (HGH) does affect blood sugar levels. It can either raise blood sugar or lower it depending on the individual's underlying medical condition.
HGH and Diabetes
For people with diabetes, HGH may increase their blood sugar due to its effects on the body's use of insulin. This could result in more frequent hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia episodes and higher overall glucose levels.
If you have diabetes and are considering using HGH, it is important to monitor your blood sugar closely while taking it so that any adverse effects can be caught early on and addressed. Regular check-ups with a physician are also recommended when using HGH supplements or injections.
HGH and Prediabetes/Prehypertension
For individuals who have prediabetes or prehypertension, taking HGH may reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by helping control the amount of glucose circulating in their bloodstreams and preventing further rises in blood pressure readings. This is because HGH encourages greater use of stored fats for energy instead of relying on carbohydrates from food sources which can raise blood sugar levels.
In addition, studies suggest that increasing dietary fiber intake while supplementing with HGH can help improve insulin sensitivity and regulate post-meal spikes in glucose levels . This combination therapy has been shown to be particularly effective for those who are overweight or obese as well as for those whose diets are generally low in protein and high in carbohydrates.
Finally, some research suggests that regular exercise combined with increased intake of micronutrients such as zinc, magnesium, chromium, selenium, vitamin B5 and B6 may support healthy regulation of both insulin resistance and glucose levels when taken alongside HGH supplementation.
At Hormone Treatment Center we specialize in diagnosis and treatment for patients suffering from hormonal imbalances like low testosterone, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue etc., as well as metabolic syndromes like diabetes type II & pre-diabetes conditions like prediabetes & prehypertension. We offer comprehensive hormone testing & personalized therapeutic plans tailored to unique lifestyle needs & goals of our patients. Contact us today to find out how we can help!