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How do you confirm early menopause?

Written by John Williams - January 23, 2023

How Do You Confirm Early Menopause?

It is important to have an accurate understanding of your own body when it comes to confirming early menopause. It is also critical to get help from medical professionals if you experience any concerning symptoms or changes. Here is a brief overview of how to confirm early menopause:

  • Monitor Changes in Your Workflow - When considering whether you could be entering menopause, it is smart to track your behavior and routine with the new symptoms that come along with this process. If your period has become irregular, be sure to keep a log and monitor it over time. However, remember that every woman's experience varies.

    Get Routine Checks at Your Doctor's Office - Routine checks with your doctor can be one of the best ways to confirm early menopause. A simple physical exam can reveal hormone imbalances that could indicate if you are entering menopause earlier than expected. By getting these regular check-ins with your doctor, they can help you stay ahead and understand the changes happening in your body so that you can manage them more effectively.

    Discuss Your Health History with Your Medical Professional - Any time a significant health issue arises, it’s important to discuss all pertinent issues and events from recent years as they may further inform what may be transpiring in your body now. Understandably, many issues around menstrual cycles and hormones can be difficult topics for some women which is why there are experts who specialize in diagnosing and treating these conditions!

    Look for Specific Symptoms - There are certain signs of early menopause such as hot flashes (which usually last 2-4 years) or night sweats (these can last up to 7 years). Additionally women often experience vaginal dryness or decreased libido. Having any combination of these symptoms could indicate that you may enter menopausal sooner than anticipated.

    Test for FSH Levels – One of the most reliable tests used by medical professionals when diagnosing early menopause is the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) test. This measures levels of FSH secreted by the pituitary gland which helps regulate the reproductive system including egg production.. Elevated FSH levels indicate that women have entered peri-menopause or have already entered into post-menopausal stages earlier than expected due to low egg reserves..

    Consult an Endocrinologist for Hormone Replacement Therapy Options – Once confirmed, discussing the possibility of hormone replacement therapy can bring relief from uncomfortable or emotional consequences of early onset menopause like mood swings or hot flashes . Consider consulting specialists such as endocrinologists who specialize in bio-identical hormones replacement as they use synthetic versions of biological hormones which allow a tailored approach when targeting specific areas where level adjustments need to take place most notably estrogen and progesterone levels because during this stage those levels decrease significantly leading more complex balance issues throughout body systems related hormones production..

    At Hormone Treatment Center we specialize in helping women navigate their hormonal health based on comprehensive blood tests & lifestyle reviews conducted by our certified practitioners during personalized consultations & follow ups ensuring best solutions suited specifically for each unique case ensuring safety & efficacy while utilizing latest advances available on field allowing excellent outcomes through management of peri/postmenopausal journey . Our team looks forward supporting you though this life changing event !

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