Written by John Williams - February 02, 2023
How do you get rid of ovarian cysts after menopause?
Ovarian cysts are a common concern for women who have gone through menopause. Fortunately, there are several measures that can be taken to reduce the risk and manage any existing cysts.
The first step is to understand how ovarian cysts form in postmenopausal women. During the reproductive years, ovarian hormones are produced by the ovaries, triggering a regular cycle of ovulation. When menopause occurs, the body no longer produces these hormones, resulting in an increase in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which can cause cysts to form on the ovaries.
Women who experience increased bloating or abdominal pain should consult their doctor as these symptoms could indicate a larger ovarian cyst. The doctor may order further tests such as an ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scan to detect any cysts. If they find out that a woman has an enlarged ovarian cyst, they will discuss treatment options with her patient.
Treatments include laparoscopic or robotic surgery to remove the affected ovary or reduce its size, depending on the type and severity of the cyst. Hormonal therapies may also be recommended to help shrink small tumors or reduce inflammation around large tumors. However, surgical removal may be necessary if the tumor is particularly large or causes severe pain or discomfort.
In some cases, medications that contain progestins and aromatase inhibitors may be recommended to help control estrogen levels related to ovarian cyst growth and reduce risk factors for developing breast cancer and other health problems associated with elevated estrogen levels in postmenopausal women. In addition, lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and exercising regularly can help lower your chances of developing ovarian cysts after menopause.
Finally, patients should be aware of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This method of treatment helps replace oestrogen levels normally lost during menopause and may help reduce risks associated with high FSH levels while still maintaining normal hormone balance levels overall. Hormone Treatment Center offers cutting-edge HRT services tailored specifically for post-menopausal women looking for relief from their ovarian symptoms without side effects such as hot flashes or night sweats commonly experienced by other HRT treatments.
As suggested above there are several treatments available for those looking to treat their ovarian cysts after menopause; however it’s important for both preand post-menopausal women alike to lead healthier lifestyles including exercise and avoiding smoking in order to reduce their risk factors for developing this condition later on in life. With enough cautionary measures combined with modern treatments like Hormone Treatment Center ' HRT services one’s chances at keeping their post-menopausal years healthier become much greater!