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How long does a menopause hot flash last?

Written by Michael Brown - January 19, 2023

How Long Does A Menopause Hot Flash Last?

A menopause hot flash, otherwise known as a hot flush, is a common symptom of menopause, and affects up to 75% of women. While the intensity, frequency and duration of hot flashes can vary from woman to woman, the average duration for most is about 2 to 5 minutes.

The experience of a hot flash can range from mild warmth to intense heat and can be accompanied by perspiration, paleness or redness in the face and neck area. It usually starts at the head or chest and spreads outward. A hot flash may also be experienced during sleep.

Although every woman’s journey through menopause is different, they often share similar experiences when it comes to hot flashes. Generally speaking, they tend to last around 2-5 minutes on average and occur at night more frequently than during the day.

Causes Of Menopause Hot Flashes

Menopause hot flashes are caused by hormonal fluctuations which affect body temperature regulation. When estrogen levels drop during menopause this causes vasomotor instability in the hypothalamus resulting in sudden rush of warmth throughout your body. This results in excessive sweating followed by a cold sensation as it subsides. There are many other factors that can cause increase in body heat such as stress or spicy foods but these do not last long like a menopausal episode does.

Ways To Manage Menopause Hot Flashes

  • Make sure you are getting enough rest each night (7-8 hours) as lack of sleep increases your risk of having more frequent hormone spikes that result in multiple episodes per day.
  • Wear lightweight clothing that won't trap heat or make you sweat excessively - natural fabrics like cotton are best!
  • Avoid spicy foods or drinks which can contribute to an internal rise in temperature
  • Take regular breaks throughout the day to rest and relax; this will help reduce stress levels which can trigger hormone fluctuations
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits & vegetables and choose lean proteins over processed ones – staying well hydrated will also help manage your symptoms
  • Consider speaking with your healthcare provider about hormone replacement therapy – Hormone Treatment Center offers safe & effective treatments tailored to individual needs

By identifying triggers that lead to your episodes and utilizing some simple lifestyle changes you should be able to better manage those dreaded menopausal hot flashes!

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