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How old do you have to be to start HRT in Georgia?

Written by Michael Brown - January 21, 2023

How Old Do You Have to Be to Start HRT in Georgia?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment used to help individuals with hormonal imbalances feel better. For those living in Georgia and looking to begin hormone replacement therapy, the answer isn’t completely straightforward. It depends on many factors, such as the individual's age and gender identity, as well as the type of HRT they are considering. In this article, we outline what you need to know about hormone replacement therapy in Georgia and when it's appropriate for people starting at different ages.

Age Requirements for HRT in Georgia
In general, there is no specific age requirement to begin hormone replacement therapy in Georgia. Depending on the medical provider and their own practice guidelines, adults of any age can receive initial consultations for HRT in order to determine if it would be an appropriate treatment option for them. In particular, transgender individuals may consider beginning hormone replacement therapy around 16 years old or older (depending on their physical development) if deemed medically necessary by their medical provider.

Benefits of Starting HRT at Different Ages
The benefits of beginning HRT at various ages depend largely on the reason behind why someone is looking into hormone replacement therapy in the first place. Some potential benefits include:

  • At 16-18 years old: Many transgender adolescents benefit from beginning hormones between 16-18 years old due to its ability to provide psychological relief from gender dysphoria while helping individuals transition more seamlessly into their affirmed gender identity (if desired). Additionally, adolescents who start earlier are less likely experience significant bone loss than those that wait until later ages before starting hormones.
  • At 18 Years Old: Adults over 18 may consider beginning hormones if they have been diagnosed with a hormone-related disorder such as hypogonadism or menopause. Those who start after 18 often experience greater increases in energy levels as well as improved libido and sexual function than those who start at younger ages.

Overall, it’s important to speak with your medical provider about your specific needs before beginning any kind of hormone replacement therapy so that you can make an informed decision together about the best course of action.

A Complete Package with Hormone Treatment Center
Hormone Treatment Center provides a complete package for all your endocrine needs - whether you’re looking for consultation services only or support throughout your journey with HRT! Our team offers expert advice and guidance to help ensure that you receive quality treatment every step of the way. We also provide access to prescribed medication so that you don’t have waste time waiting around at pharmacies or worrying about insurance coverage! Get started today and take charge of your health with Hormone Treatment Center !

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