Written by Kayla Williams - January 03, 2023
Hair loss can be a difficult experience for both men and women, but it can be particularly concerning for women going through menopause. During this time of change in their bodies, they are also having to contend with the fact that their hair may not look as full or healthy as before. So, it is understandable to wonder: is hair loss from menopause permanent?
The answer is: it depends. Factors such as genetics and lifestyle choices make all the difference when it comes to hair loss at any age, and even more so during the menopausal years.
What Causes Hair Loss at Menopause?
Hair loss at menopause is often caused by a decrease in hormones such as estrogen and progesterone which normally help keep our hair follicles in good condition. Without these hormones, our scalp tends to become less productive, leading to thinning hair. Additionally, stress and diets low in certain vitamins or minerals can lead to poor health of our scalp and our hair follicles.
How To Tell If Your Hair Loss Is Related To Menopause
If you’re experiencing excessive shedding or thinning of your hair; especially around the sides and/or crown area, then it is likely related to menopause. Additionally, if you have other symptoms associated with menopause such as hot flashes or irregular periods then this could be an indicator that your hair loss has been triggered by hormonal changes within your body.
What Can Be Done About It?
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an effective way to reduce the effects of excess shedding related to reduced hormones during menopausal years. At Hormone Treatment Center we provide a range of HRT treatments tailored towards helping alleviate some of the symptoms experienced during this period of transition from premenopausal to postmenopausal stages. Our specialists will work closely with each client providing them with personalized advice on how best to manage their individual needs relating to hormone balance and further restoring their natural equilibrium back into balance without causing further disruption or distress to normal life routines thanks to modern technology advancements over recent years . We'd love for you come visit us so that we may help improve quality of life for you today!
Natural Remedies For Reducing Hair Loss
There are also natural remedies available which can aid in reducing hair loss linked with decreased hormonal activity during menopausal years:
Herbal supplements like ginkgo biloba have been known to increase blood flow around the scalp area thus stimulating growth in some cases
Adjusting nutrition levels by cutting back on processed foods while increasing fruits and vegetables intake
Ensuring adequate daily hydration intake throughout the day finally helps restore moisture balance within Hair Follicle Shaft areas again aiding healthier growth conditions overall
By using one or more of these preventative measures, you may be able to minimise further excessive shedding whilst working towards restoring healthier fuller looking tresses over time naturally!