Written by Kayla Williams - February 03, 2023
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a form of medical treatment that aims to reduce the effects of hormone imbalances in people, particularly women who are going through menopause. Unfortunately, withdrawal from HRT can cause some severe symptoms which should be taken seriously. Here we look at the 5 most common signs and symptoms associated with HRT withdrawal.
1. Hot Flashes: One of the most-commonly reported side effects of ceasing HRT is a sudden onset of hot flashes and night sweats that seem to come out of nowhere. These uncomfortable sensations can range from mild to severe and may cause discomfort for days or weeks following the cessation of HRT.
2. Mood Changes: People who have recently been on HRT and abruptly stopped may report feelings of anxiety, depression, irritability, or emotional instability. This is due to a sudden change in hormone levels that can ultimately lead to changes in mood and emotional well-being.
3. Weight Gain: Unwanted weight gain is another common symptom associated with stopping HRT as hormones play an important role in metabolism and appetite regulation. Those affected by this unwelcome symptom often find it difficult to lose weight after having been on hormone therapy for an extended period of time.
4. Low Libido: Libido is heavily influenced by hormone levels so decreasing those amounts naturally leads to a decreased libido or sex drive among both women and men who have stopped taking their medication.
5 .Bone Loss: Lastly, people withdrawing from HRT must be aware of potential bone loss due to insufficient estrogen which can lead to osteoporosis or other illnesses if not monitored closely with regular checkups with your healthcare provider..
It’s important to note that all individuals considering discontinuing their use of hormones should thoroughly consult with their physician prior as they will be able to guide them best when managing such changes in dosage or ending use completely if deemed necessary..
At Hormone Treatment Center our team works hand-in-hand with patients struggling through issues due to changing hormones during menopause, helping restore balance during this sensitive time period and prepare them for life afterwards.. Our commitment lies not only towards providing top-of-the-line personalized treatments but also towards giving hope back into our community—your health matters!