Written by Kayla Williams - January 16, 2023
A menopause belly is a common change experienced by many during and after menopause. It occurs when fat deposits around the abdomen, hips, and waist increase due to hormonal changes. The fat gain may cause the waist to appear rounder or thicker than before.
Many women experience other body changes during menopause such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and irregular periods. Although these symptoms do not always accompany a menopause belly, they can significantly lower one's self-esteem and create physical discomfort.
How Does it Feel?
A menopause belly can feel like a tightness that increases with size over time. It may cause bloating and digestive disturbances such as constipation or gas. The discomfort in the abdomen can also lead to back pain and an inability to exercise comfortably. While some individuals gain very little weight around their mid-section during menopausal transition, for others it can feel like their stomachs are suddenly ballooning up without explanation.
During perimenopausal transition, hormonal fluctuations decrease the levels of estrogen in the body. This causes fat cells to shrink in size but remain unchanged in terms of number; instead of being dispersed throughout the body evenly as before, they start collecting around the abdominal area resulting in increased abdominal fat storage.
The disruption of hormones may also result in decreased muscle mass making it much harder for women to stay toned around their core area thus exacerbating abdominal bloating further more. Other contributing factors include aging metabolism slowdown and stress level increases which can raise cortisol levels in our bodies resulting an increase cravings unhealthy foods that again add more stubborn fat around our bellies.
Fortunately there are steps you can take to manage your menopause belly — including diet modification, exercise routines tailored specifically for this condition, and potentially hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Eating healthy meals with plenty of protein has been known to help keep your metabolism humming along and reduce overall inflammation levels within your body which might be causing problems with digestion leading to bloated belly sensations as well as sciatica type pains resulting from imbalanced posture usually caused by weak abdominal muscles.
It’s important to get movement into your daily routine with activities designed especially for combatting postmenopausal belly fat like yoga Pilates Tai Chi or even some “old school” exercises such as crunches planks bridge poses etc.. Anything that strengthens core muscles should be done regularly – ideally at least three times per week - along with aerobic activities geared toward burning calories without risking joint pain from too much running jumping or high impact sports that might further strain already weakened core regions affected by this condition .
Finally – if all else fails - HRT (hormone replacement therapy) via a qualified doctor may be indicated depending on individual situation; however it should never be attempted without proper medical guidance first given its possible side effects on other parts of life ranging from sleep quality mental clarity libido etc..
At Hormone Treatment Center we believe every woman should have access to expert advice so they can make informed decisions about how best tackle any issues related her own health goals lifestyle preferences etc… Our team specializes exclusively in treating postmenopausal issues so you won’t have worry about getting lost amongst unrelated appointments waiting rooms etc.. All consultations are handled discretely confidentially securely so you know all information shared will remain strictly between us just visit us online at www.*Hormone Treatment Center *.com for more information consultation scheduling options pricing etc..
We wish you all luck health happiness great success here onwards!