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What probiotic is best for menopause?

Written by John Williams - January 13, 2023

What Probiotic is Best for Menopause?

Menopause can bring with it a host of uncomfortable symptoms, from hot flashes to night sweats to mood swings. Fortunately, probiotics may provide a natural solution for improving some of these issues. Here's what you should know about choosing the best probiotic for menopause.

Benefits of Probiotics for Menopause

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support optimal digestion and reduce inflammation in the body. They also promote beneficial hormonal changes that can help alleviate many of the common symptoms associated with menopause, such as:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood swings
  • Low libido
    In addition, taking probiotics regularly may offer protection against certain illnesses thanks to their ability to strengthen the immune system and metabolize toxins in the body.

How to Choose a Probiotic Supplement

When selecting a probiotic supplement, there are several factors you should consider:

  • Strains: Different strains may be helpful for specific health goals. Look for well researched probiotics containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Saccharomyces boulardii and other proven supplements.
  • Efficiency: Read reviews or contact the manufacturer to determine how viable (and thus effective) the colony count is likely to be after passing through your digestive system.
  • Dosage/serving size: Start with a lower dosage then adjust according to desired effects. Natural sources are also an option; yogurt and kefir provide significant doses but other fermented foods like sauerkraut can make helpful additions too!

Hormone Treatment Center - Native Advertorial

At Hormone Treatment Center ' Hormone Replacement Clinic we believe that finding effective relief from menopausal symptoms should not be hard or stressful. Our board certified doctors have years of experience providing safe and reliable hormone replacement therapy (HRT) plans tailored specifically to each individual's needs and lifestyle. As such, they understand every aspect of perimenopausal and postmenopausal care so you can feel confident trusting them with your health! Contact us today to learn more about our services or schedule an appointment now!

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